A typical GUI way
1. Open Computer Management, by typing "computer management" from Start Menu.2. Go to Action from the top menu, and click Connect to another computer….
3. Type in the name of remote computer, and hit OK.
4. Right click Shares under Shared Folders in System Tools, and go to New Shares.
5. Then follow the wizard to complete the task.
6. Now, you’ve successfully created a network share on a remote computer.
Well, it’s quite a work to make a network share remotely, isn’t it. So let’s try something easier.
A PowerShell way
PowerShell is the new scripting programming tool developed by Microsoft. It’s built right in Windows 7 as well, and it’s very powerful.1. Open PowerShell console, by typing in "powershell" in the Start Menu.
2. Type in the following command to create a network share "Test" in my remote computer KC-VMXP.
([wmiclass]‘\\kc-vmxp\root\cimv2:Win32_Share’).Create(‘c:\temp’, ‘Test’, 0, 12, ‘test share’).ReturnValueReplace the parameters to create your own network shares remotely. Isn’t it much cooler? Thanks to PowerTips from PowerShell.com.
To make this PowerShell script work, you need to open WMI Scripting on the remote computer firewall to allow access.
If you know any other better way of remotely creating network shares, please share.
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